Educational Psychology and Educational Practice

This Specialization is intended to both prospective and in-service teachers of primary and, in particular, secondary education who have not attended (or have insufficiently attended) courses on Psychopedagogy. All relevant research and studies show that the overwhelming majority of teachers in secondary education schools lack knowledge regarding a cognitive area absolutely necessary for the successful accomplishment of their mission. This area is related to the development of knowledge and skills on topics regarding students' psychology, learning process, in-class diversity and teaching methodology, with an emphasis on the understanding of the applications of the findings of Educational Sciences and, particularly, of Pedagogical or Educational Psychology during the teaching process. In addition, this Specialization, through the courses offered, aims at developing the understanding of the traits of effective teachers, such as good knowledge of: a. the teaching content, b. the contribution of social and psycho-emotional development in the learning process, c. the teaching methodology, d. educational assessment and e. in-school integration.

In addition, holders of this postgraduate degree (who are already appointed in schools or are going to be appointed in the future) will have priority when becoming pupils and parents' counselors (particularly in the case of pupils having special educational needs, learning difficulties or displaying behavioral problems), covering thus the needs in an area where there are significant shortcomings and weaknesses in Greek education. Finally, the postgraduates who hold a Degree of this Program are able – as long as they wish so - to work in schools or special education structures where there is a great need for skilled staff. It is worth noting that in the private sector as well (e.g. in tutorials) holders of postgraduate degrees on Psychopedagogy are preferable.

The operation of this Specialization therefore promotes educational and pedagogical research as regards the psychological aspects of the learning and teaching process, fields in which Greece lags behind other countries.

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