Environmental Biology


Undergraduate level | 1st semester | Compulsory Unit | ΓΕ5200


Credit Units ECTS: 5 

Teaching Hours Weekly: 3   

Course Type: Special background

Prequisites: -- 

Teaching and Examination Language: Greek

For Erasmus students study course and exams are offered in English.

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Course Material

Introduction: approach, history and introductory concepts. The way from the cells to the organisms. The concept of the species. Environmental factors and tolerance limits. Biotic factors of natural ecosystems: life history strategies. Populations: attributes and relationships. Communities and ecological succession. Energy and ecosystem productivity. Biogeochemical cycles.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course the student will have

  • acquired an overview of the organisation of living matter at various levels, from macromolecules to ecosystems
  • acquired basic knowledge on the flows of energy and materials in the biosphere as well as on populations, communities and ecosystems
  • developed the necessary critical thinking to come in terms with a dynamic and fluid field of study.

General Skills

The successful completion of the course contributes to the achievement of the following programme outcomes:

  • Thorough comprehension of the strong interactions between human societies and the environment (natural & human made) including the role of these interactions in sustainable development
  • Application of modern scientific methods in the study of topics related to sustainable consumption and nutritional behaviour, health promotion, management and protection of the natural and cultural environment, as well as topics related to alternative tourism
  • Thorough comprehension of research issues related to this field of study.

Learning and Teaching Techniques - Evaluation

Teaching Methods: Face to face

Use of ICT: Use of digital slides in lectures, E-learning platform, Communication with students via email

Course Organization:

ActivitySemester Work Load
Lectures 26
Laboratory practice 12
Non-supervised study 87
Total 125

 Assessment Methods:

  • Ι. Writen examination (80%) of the course content including: - multiple choice questions - Short notes type questions
  • ΙΙ. Written examination (20%) of laboratory practices

The above mentioned way of performance evaluation is described to the students during the first tutor-student meeting, and are displayed in the e-class website throughout the semester.

Suggested literature

  • Nentwig, W., Bacher, S. & Brandl, R. (2012).Βασικές Έννοιες Οικολογίας, Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος, Αθήνα.
  • Pianka,E. R. (2006). Εξελικτική Οικολογία, ΙΤΕ/ Πανεπιστημιακές εκδόσεις Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο.
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