Family Economics


Undergraduate level | 5th semester | Elective Unit | ΟΚ1401


Credit Units ECTS: 5 

Teaching Hours (Weekly): 3   

Course Type: General Knowledge

Prequisites: --

Teaching and Examination Language: Greek

For Erasmus students study course and exams are offered in English.

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Course Material

Introduction to family economics. Labor Market. Labor Supply. Applications. Home production. Leisure, home production and work. One-person households. Two person households. Sexual division of labor. Size of the household. The economic theory of marriage. Assortative mating in marriage markets. Love, caring and marriage. Applications. The demand for children. Models of marital status and childbearing. Economic models of fertility. The timing of births. Altruism in the family. Effects of altruism. The economic model of altruism and envy. Intergenerational models. Family and macroeconomic policy. Fertility and economic growth. Population Economics. Double aging of population. Economic behavior of family and fiscal policy. The evolution of the family.

Learning Outcomes

General objective of the course is the analysis of household behavior in modern economic environment based in the use of microeconomic theory. According to household production theory, family unit is not only a consumer of goods and services but also a productive socioeconomic actor

General Skills

Work autonomously, make decisions. Advance creative and causative thinking.

Learning and Teaching Techniques - Evaluation

Teaching Methods: Face to Face

Use of ICT: Yes

Course Organization:

ActivitySemester Work Load
Lectures 35
Study and Literature Review 50
Practical Issues 40
Total 125

 Assessment Methods:

The overall degree of results from the grade of the final exam. At the final mark is added 20% degree of a voluntary project.

Suggested Bibliography

Family economics, G. Hondroyiannis, Harokopio University, 2016 (in greek).

The following articles are also available on internet:

  • Hondroyiannis, G. (2009. Fertility Determinants and Economic Uncertainty: An Assessment Using European Panel Data, Working Papers 96, Bank of Greece.
  • Hondroyiannis, G. and E., Papapetrou, (2005). Fertility and output in Europe: new evidence from panel cointegration analysis, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 27(2), pages 143-156.
  • Hondroyiannis, G. and E., Papapetrou, (2004). Demographic Changes and Economic Activity in Greece, Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 2(1), pages 49-71, 03.

Moreover, the proposed textbooks for distribution to students are the following:

  • Borjas, G. (2003), Labour Economics, Athens: Kritiki.
  • Petrinioti, X. (1989), «Labour markets,eEconomic theories and research», Athens: Papazisi.
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